Gaëlle Hotellier

Gaëlle Hotellier

Onafhankelijk bestuurder
(°1972, Frans)
Gaëlle Hotellier holds an Organization and Production Management degree of the Technical University (IUT) of Annecy, France (1991), a Technical European degree of IUT of Annecy, France (1992) and an MBA of the Texas Tech University in the USA (1993). She has over 25 years of strong management track record of complex units in various industries, including corporate and family business companies and spanning from start-up to mature organizations. She is an experienced board member with technical background and was until June 2023 a non-executive director and chairwomen of the Remuneration Committee of Dialight. Ms. Hotellier currently acts as COO of the Krohne Group. Prior to Krohne, she worked for 20 years at Siemens in various divisions and locations, moving from the lighting, to the industrial and the power generation divisions.
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